Buster Goes to Outer Space

Buster is a happy dog.  He walks, he talks, and he likes a box.  He is a magic dog.  In his box he can change the box into a race car.  He put on his big goggles and ran out the door!

ZOOM!  He went straight into a mud puddle.

“Bath time,” said his owner.

“Oh-uh,” said Buster.

The owner put Buster in the tub and turned on the water.  The owner put her new not-opened pink bubble bath in, and even worse, she put ALL of the bubble bath in!

Buster couldn’t take it anymore.  He jumped out of the tub and ran down the stairs.

He said, “Box!  Turn into a giant hot dog!”

Buster ate the giant hot dog.

“That was delicious,” said Buster, licking his lips.

“Box!  Turn into a bed,” Buster said while yawning.

Buster fell fast asleep.

Buster woke up.  He walked around.  He went outside.

“Box, turn into a rocket ship!” said Buster.

“Woah!” said the owner.

“Jump on!” said Buster.

They got on.  They stopped at the clouds.  Buster put on a cape and mask.

He said, “I’m Super Buster!”

He jumped out.  He was flying through the clouds.

He stopped and pulled out an ice cream cone and scooped up some clouds.

“I’ve never tried cotton candy!”

Buster went back to the spaceship.  They went to a strange planet.  It was planet Mars.  They got off the spaceship and saw an alien.  What a day!


If You’re Not From New Hampshire . . .

A form change poem

(with thanks to David Bouchard, “If You’re Not From the Prairie . . . “)


If you’re not from New Hampshire,

You don’t know mountains,

You can’t know mountains.

Mountains with the royalest crowns,

Mountains purple and sparkling,

Fresh days on the mountains,

No frowns,

Always there even when darkening.

If you’re not from New Hampshire,

You don’t know mountains.


If you’re not from New Hampshire,

You don’t know trees.

You can’t know trees!

Trees shimmer from dawn to twilight.

Trees are made of brass.

Trees all kinds.

Trees swaying all day.


If you’re not from New Hampshire,

You don’t know my birds.

They make the sound of a flute,

Fluttering swiftly through the air,

Chirping all day long.


You see, my hair is morning,

My eyes are crisp bark,

My ears are the wind,

My hands are roots.

I’ve been over the world.

I’ve swum to the deep blue villages.

My home is New Hampshire,

Free and brave.


Rejoice in the Lord,

For He loves everyone!

Rejoice in the Lord,

For He has saved my soul!


The Lord has risen!

It is Him who is mighty!


For He has made everything!



Rain is here.

Rain is here.

Clouds are here.

Clouds are here.

Clouds are here.

Clouds are here.

So stay inside and don’t get wet!

Wet, wet,

Very, very wet,

So stay inside.

You don’t have to hide.

Just stay inside,

Or else you will get wet, wet, wet, wet.

Rain is here.

Clouds are here.

Don’t have a fear.

Just don’t get wet, wet, wet, wet,


Wet, wet, wet.

Just eat a pretzel

And you will be fine.

Just stay in and eat a pretzel,

Or else you will get wet, wet,

Very, very wet.

Hearing the tippity tap

And clicky clat of the rain.

Just stay inside

Or you will







Pink is dreaming through sunsets.

Pink is giving tickling flowers.

Pink is a dream of the world.

Pink feels as friendly as morning in a cup.

Pinks makes laughs of sweetness.

Pink is lemonade,

Sugar in every cup.

Pink is freshly baked cupcakes gleaming in love.

Pink is flowers swaying in the breeze.

If I Were in Charge of the World

If I Were in Charge of the World

(a form change poem with thanks to Judith Viorst)


If I were in charge of the world,

I’d cancel homework, banana peels, and also cleanest of the clean rooms.

If I were in charge of the world,

There would be more big gallons of chocolate milk,

More ice cream sundaes with cherries,

And lots of dogs who drive motorcycles.

If I were in charge of the world,

You wouldn’t have beetles,

You wouldn’t have cockroaches,

And you wouldn’t have snakes.

If I were in charge of the world,

a big gigantic cake with cherries, sprinkles on top, and cookies

Would be a balanced meal.

All people would be a peecachoo.

And a person who sometimes can’t spell the longest word in the world

And doesn’t like spinach

Would still be allowed to be

In charge of the world.