Young Eagles Flight

On May 17th, 2016, I went to the Lebanon Airport to do the Young Eagles program.  It was really cool when one of my B.F.F.’s, Long Tall Sally, and I got to fly together on the tiny airplane.

It was scary at first, but after five minutes, I got the hang of it.  Mr. Freeman was our pilot.  He was really nice to let us fly with him.  The headsets were really awesome.

“I’ve always wanted to try on a headset!” I said excitedly.

When we had to land, it was disappointing.  My life was over, ruined, destroyed, to see the flight end!  I had a wonderful time at the Young Eagles flight!


Panning for Gold at MVCS!


If I lived in 1849, I would probably have GOLD FEVER!  I would go on a ship to get out west, if I lived in the time.  You would not get very much gold, but I would enjoy living in the place.  I think I would live in a shack.  Maybe I would have different clothes than where I came from, but I probably wouldn’t like it with so many people living there.  I think that it would be a great adventure!  They didn’t have very much fashion back then because they needed sturdy mining clothes, but I think that I would still like it.  Oh, and there is no lipgloss.  The merchants would get a lot of my money.  I still really like gold, so I would enjoy it all.

Our Object Lesson Chapel

Jesus Saves!


Ma: Jesus died for our sins, and He rose from the grave!


Mo: We want to always remember what He did for us to save us, so we are going to make a little snack to remind us of what He did.


Ma: We are giving you a cup with your supplies. You are going to make the marshmallow into the cross of Jesus by pushing the four pretzels in gently like this. (Show.)


Mo: Now you are going to gently lay the little gummy bear on top of your cross to represent Jesus making the sacrifice for you. (Show.)


Ma: You may eat your snack while you listen. We want to always remember that when we had a terrible sin problem and could not rescue ourselves, Jesus died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins. He was buried, and He rose again in victory over sin and death! What a Savior!


Ma and Mo: Verse Poster.


Ma: So what did you learn today? (Have them read the poster with you. Death is swallowed up in victory!)




Volcano’s Personal Rock

I can tell that my rock is metamorphic because it has five types of rock in it.  It is very bumpy.  It is really sparkly and shiny.  It is high on luster.  I named it Rocko!  It was probably a boulder pressured to put the kinds of rock together.


Rock Haiku

Rocko rocks great socks

You are sparkling, yeah dude

Rocko, you’re awesome